Wednesday Communique — February 14, 2018

Happy Wednesday!

This is the Community Caring Collaborative Weekly Communiqué where we share announcements about trainings, meetings and other events, including announcements from our collaborative partners.  Look for links to meeting minutes and agendas in the Meetings section, training registration forms and flyers in the Events section, and job postings and other items of interest in the Announcements section.  Subscribe here to get the Communiqué.  Make sure to add Community Caring Collaborative to your contacts at  Gmail users, check for the Communiqué under the Promotions tab. This mailing goes out every Wednesday, so if you have announcements, please send them to Christine by 5 pm Monday to be included.  Thanks!

Photo above: Happy Valentine’s day from Eastern Heights Care Home in Ipswich, Australia. Photo courtesy of Catholic Healthcare.


Legal Issues regarding Substance Use in the Workplace: On March 8th from 9 am to 12 Noon the law firm of Drummond Woodsum will present a free workshop for employers anxious to learn the legal ramifications of working with employees in recovery and/or using medical Cannabis and other substances, in light of legislation such as “The Maine Medical Use of Marijuana Act” and “The Americans with Disabilities Act.”  Questions will be encouraged and practical tips offered for challenging or awkward conversations and situations.  Sunrise County Economics Council is coordinating this workshop at the University of Maine, Machias in Science 102, with a teleconference option for participants to attend simultaneously at Washington County Community College in the Assembly Room.  Contact Amy Lentz at or 207-255-0983 to register by March 5th.  See this flyer for details, including a snow date.

Restorative Community Training: The training is ideal for people who would like to participate in or facilitate meaningful, respectful conversations. The training has also been shown to empower participants to directly address personal and community improvement. The training will be held on Friday, Feb 16th, 8:30am to 12:30 pm, at the Norway Town Office, 19 Danforth Street in Norway, Maine. There is no charge for this event, although donations to the Oxford County Wellness Collaborative are accepted. For more information, contact Emily at 739-6222 or or visit this facebook event.

Grantmakers in Aging Webinar: on Friday, February 18th from 2:30-3:30 pm EST, please join GIA for a special webinar celebrating five years of our monthly “Conversations with GIA” series, made possible through the sponsorship of the John A. Hartford Foundation. To celebrate this milestone, we are pleased to be joined by Dr. Atul Gawande, surgeon, public health researcher and author of Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End. Register here.  Please send your questions, comments and feedback to:

Infant Mental Health Conference: Save the date of May 18th for the 31st annual Maine Association for Infant Mental Health Conference in Freeport featuring Jayne Singer, PhD.  See flyer for details.

Recovery Resource Fair: The Washington County Community Action team will host a Recovery Resource Fair on Friday, March 23, 2018, from 12pm to 6pm at the University of Maine at Machias’ Reynolds Athletics Center (116 O’Brien Avenue, Machias). The Recovery Resource Fair will provide an opportunity for area residents and community members to learn about resources available in Washington County and surrounding counties to support people who are seeking recovery, navigating the early stages of recovery, and maintaining long-term recovery, as well as supporting families in recovery.  Those who provide substance use disorder prevention and treatment services, including direct treatment, medical care, employment assistance, financial services, spiritual, personal growth and development, and complementary health services are invited and encouraged to take part in this community event. There is no charge to participate as a provider or to attend this event. To reserve your free table, or for more information, please contact Terri Woodruff at(207) 255-3741 or email

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Survey: Northern Maine Development Commission is looking for priority projects for inclusion in the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for the Aroostook Washington Economic Development District. Would you please take a few minutes to fill out the survey at this link and forward to municipal, business and economic development officials in your region. A project may be just conceptual in nature. Boxes may be left blank if information is not known.

Free Tax Filing: United Way of Eastern Maine offers 2 ways individuals and families can file taxes for free:  

  • The Eastern Maine CA$H Coalition helps low- to middle-income individuals and families file their taxes and learn more about financial re-sources in their community. Our IRS certfied tax preparers are specially trained to ensure that you receive all eligible tax credits.
  • My Free Taxes – United Way partners with industry leader H&R Block to help people easily and accurately file both their federal and state taxes through MyFreeTaxesTM. If your household earned $66,000 or less in 2017 you can file both your federal and state returns for free.

Calais area Community of Practice: Maine Roads to Quality is looking for Early Care and Education professionals in the Calais area to join a community of practice.  See flyer for details.

Your announcement could go here: email the details to Christine by 5 pm Monday for inclusion in Wednesday’s Weekly Communiqué.


This is where we post updates on programs, initiatives and pending legislation.

Calendar of Events

Women’s Heart Health:
February 15, 2018
Join the staff of Harrington Family Health Center for a presentation on Women’s Heart Health — information on the number one cause of death for women, including knowing the symptoms, risk factors and how to reduce your risks for heart disease.  This is part of a series of monthly presentations on various health topics.  See flyer for details or contact Sue Gartland with questions (483-4502).

Restorative Community Training: 
February 16, 2018
The training is ideal for people who would like to participate in or facilitate meaningful, respectful conversations. The training has also been shown to empower participants to directly address personal and community improvement. The training will be held on Friday, Feb 16th, 8:30am to 12:30 pm, at the Norway Town Office, 19 Danforth Street in Norway, Maine. There is no charge for this event, although donations to the Oxford County Wellness Collaborative are accepted. For more information, contact Emily at 739-6222 or or visit this facebook event

Grantmakers in Aging Webinar: 
February 18, 2018
Please join GIA for a special webinar from 2:30-3:30 pm EST celebrating five years of our monthly “Conversations with GIA” series, made possible through the sponsorship of the John A. Hartford Foundation. To celebrate this milestone, we are pleased to be joined by Dr. Atul Gawande, surgeon, public health researcher and author of Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End. Register here.  Please send your questions, comments and feedback to:

Care Documentary:
February 16, 2018
Online Screening & Live Chat with Documentary Director Deirdre Fishel, 11 am to 1 pm.  Explore paid caregiver workforce challenges and solutions for the Tri-State Region. For thousands of older adults throughout New England, paid caregivers are a lifeline. As the supply of worker in our region shrinks, the question we must answer is how can we grow this segment of the workforce to meet increasing demand for care? Register here.

3 ACEs Workshops:
March 7-9, 10,  & 11
The Maine Resilience Building Network is bringing international author and teacher Sarah Peyton to Maine in March for:

Online Registration & Payment here. / Mail-in registration here.
Online payment if you are already registered!  The deadline for registration AND PAYMENT is FEBRUARY 23, 2018.

Legal Issues regarding Substance Use in the Workplace: 
March 8, 2018
From 9 am to 12 Noon the law firm of Drummond Woodsum will present a free workshop for employers anxious to learn the legal ramifications of working with employees in recovery and/or using medical Cannabis and other substances, in light of legislation such as “The Maine Medical Use of Marijuana Act” and “The Americans with Disabilities Act.”  Questions will be encouraged and practical tips offered for challenging or awkward conversations and situations.  Sunrise County Economics Council is coordinating this workshop at the University of Maine, Machias in Science 102, with a teleconference option for participants to attend simultaneously at Washington County Community College in the Assembly Room.  Contact Amy Lentz at or 207-255-0983 to register by March 5th.  See this flyer for details, including a snow date.

Families & Youth in Transitions Conference:
March 10, 2018
8:30 am — 4:30 pm at Maine General Hospital in Augusta for Families &Youth in Transitions – a conference for families and youth with emotional and behavioral needs, special needs, and special health care needs transitioning through high school to adult life. Youth and parent workshops will be offered.  dynamic mental health speaker and circle drummer Mike Veny will be the keynote.  More information here. Sponsored by the Maine Parent Federation and G.E.A.R. Parent Network.

Roundtable 2018:
March 28, 2018
The Roundtable is a great place for mental health therapists to learn from one another and to support each other while earning CEU’s.  We will meet at the Harrington Family Health Center from 9-4:30 PM for two workshops (6 CEU’s):

  • School-based Play Therapy for Traumatized Children: A Systems Approach (Brittany Ray, MS in School Counseling and Sue Carroll Duffy, Psy.D., RPT-S)
  • Healing Stories in Play Therapy (Sarah Waite, Retired LCSW)

For more details and to register go to: By The Sea Seminars—Roundtable 2018  (APT Approved Provider #04-144).

Youth Mental Health First Aid Training: 
April 12, 2018
NAMI Maine’s Youth Mental Health First Aid Training at the Cherryfield Academy Community Center.  Details about this event are here. You can also Download general information about Youth Mental Health First Aid Trainings.

Elder Abuse Summit:
May 10, 2018
5th annual conference on Elder Abuse, hosted by the Maine Council for Elder Abuse Prevention at the Augusta Civic Center.  See flyer for details or visit MCEAP’s website.

Infant Mental Health Conference:
May 18, 2018
Save this date for the 31st annual Maine Association for Infant Mental Health Conference in Freeport featuring Jayne Singer, PhD.  See flyer for details.

Needs & Offers

Job Posting: Families First Community Center is hiring its first Case Manager!  Full job description and requirements are available at  We will be accepting applications until February 25th. Please send cover letter, resume, and references to: Families First Community Center,

Job Posting: Part-time or full-time digital literacy instructor for the state of Maine. Axiom Education &Training Center, “National Digital Equity Center” is looking for a part-time and/or full-time digital literacy instructor for a state-wide position. Flexible schedule and some training available. Travel is required, and a home-office is supported. Download an overview of the National Digital Equity Center, a fast growing program with a goal to close the digital divide in Maine and beyond. If you are interested or have any questions, please send an email to:

Job Posting: Washington County Community College is in search of an adjunct instructor to teach Sociology in the Family at Indian Township School on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons, weekly. The right candidate should have a Bachelors or Master’s degree in Sociology, Psychology or Counseling, and some teaching experience preferred.  See job description for details.

Office Phones Offered: Healthy Acadia has recently changed over to a new phone system. We would like to donate
eight Allworx model 9212L phones to a worthy organization. These are relatively new and all are in excellent condition. Contact Regina.

Downeast Feast 2018: Download the flyer for February and March!

Send us your agency/community needs or offers, such as job recruiting or housing needs.

Favorite Resources

Send us your favorite links to share with other Communique readers. 

Center for Community Inclusion and Disability Studies: Explore this University of Maine website to find great resources for families and providers.


Maine Resilience Building Network: The date and location for the next meeting has changed to April 12, 2018 from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm at The Ice Vault, 203 Whitten Road, Hallowell.

Caregivers Support Group: Join other family/informal caregivers monthly for a supportive meeting at the Maine Veterans Home in Machias, facilitated by Lisa King, LCPC, on the first Friday of the month from 2-4 pm.  Contact Lisa King for more information.

Work Group & Poverty Busters: Mark your calendar for next month’s meeting on March 7th from 1 — 3:30 pm at SCEC.  Updates will include a mini presentation on WIC by Mariah Mace.

Photo courtesy of Susan Bennett