Does the CCC provide direct services?

The CCC is not a direct service provider.  However, we support agencies that do provide direct services and work with them to develop programs.  We also connect people to direct service providers through The Connection Initiative.

How does my organization become a partner in the CCC?

We welcome new partners into this exciting work. If you represent an organization or agency that is interested in exploring partnership with the CCC, please contact our director, Charley Martin-Berry at cmartinberry@cccmaine.org

How do I subscribe to the CCC’s weekly e-newsletter, the Wednesday Communique?

This is a great way to stay posted on CCC trainings, meetings and other events, as well as announcements from us and our partners about initiatives, new services, job postings, resources, and needs & offers.  To subscribe, simply fill out this short sign-up  form.

How do I find out about and register for upcoming trainings?

The CCC offers many trainings throughout the year. You can visit the calendar of events to find out what we’re offering, or subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter, the Wednesday Communique — see above.  Once you find a training you want to register for, click on it and the website will take you through the online registration process. If you have questions or need assistance, contact Christine Laurel at 249-3318.

How do I request a specific training or technical assistance?

If you or your agency or organization would like technical assistance or to see a training in a particular content area or in specific skills, please consult our menu of training topics and complete our Training & TA Request form. We take every request seriously, and will do our best to offer what the community needs the most.

Does the CCC offer internships?

Yes, the CCC has worked with interns on different career paths in different degree programs.  We have developed an intern request form for prospective interns or intern placement coordinators.

My agency is in another county or not in Maine. Can the CCC provide training to my staff?

CCC offers training and technical assistance outside of Washington County and in other states when we can. To start the process, fill out a Training & TA Request form. Someone will contact you to talk it over.

How can I share information at a CCC meeting, on your calendar, or through your email lists?

The CCC is a great place to share information about upcoming trainings, resources, job announcements, or anything else at meetings or in our weekly e-newsletter. To share something, send it to Christine Laurel at: claurel@cccmaine.org.

How do I apply to the Hope Fund?

Applications are submitted to the CCC by case workers or other service providers working with families or individual clients. Applications are available for download on the Hope Fund page of this website, where you’ll also find information about eligibility and instructions for submitting an application.  You may also consult the Hope Fund FAQs developed to further explain the process and program.

How do I apply to the Dream Fund?

Applications are submitted to the CCC by case workers or other service providers working with families or individual clients. Applications are available for download on the Dream Fund page of this website. You’ll also find information about eligibility and instructions for submitting an application.

How was Poverty Busters formed, and can the CCC help start one in another community?

Poverty Busters was started after the CCC hosted Dr. Donna Beegle for an intensive training in Machias, Maine. Community members and representatives of CCC partner agencies wanted to find ways to work together to directly address poverty at the local level. The CCC has a replication tool kit for communities seeking to create similar initiatives. For more information, visit the Contact Us page and let us know what you’re looking for.

How do I become a mentor or volunteer?

We often need help at events or trainings. To volunteer for the CCC, use the Contact Us link and tell us about your interest and availability! There will soon be opportunities to volunteer for our new program, The Connection Initiative (TCI). We have rolled out the first tier of this program, but will soon be recruiting volunteers with a wide range of interests and capabilities that they wish to share with others.  TCI will eventually have its own website on which information and a sign-up form for perspective volunteers will be available, so keep checking this link for updates.

Where is your office and what is the best way to reach CCC staff? 

The CCC office is located at 7 Ames Way, Suite 3 in Machias (next door to the Machias Grange on Route 92) and our mailing address is PO Box 224, East Machias, ME 04630. However, our staff members spend a lot of time on the road and often work from other locations, such as their homes. The best way to reach us is either through email or our mobile numbers (found on the Contact Us page on this website).  You can also call our office (255-8000) and leave a message. Messages are checked regularly.