Recovery Friendly Workplace Survey

As a valuable stakeholder in the Recovery Friendly Workplace Design, we greatly appreciate your willingness to complete this brief, anonymous survey.  Survey results will be used to build and inform the Recovery Friendly Workplace program being developed for Washington County.  

Your input is so important!  Upon submitting your anonymous survey, you will be invited to provide your contact information via a separate link to follow up via phone, Zoom, or in person. We would love to discuss any thoughts, questions or ideas you have as we gather input and move toward finalizing design. As a reminder, any contact information you provide will not be attached to the survey results, thus keeping the survey anonymous.

Once you submit your anonymous survey, the following page will guide you on how to enter a drawing for a chance to win your prize of choice. Winners will be contacted after the drawing on June 15th.

  • $50 gas card
  • $50 VISA gift card
  • 1 month of open co-working access at MaineStreet Business Building, redeemable upon opening with no expiration (up to a $125 value)!


To complete the survey, please select the option below you most identify as:

Employer (business owner, manager, supervisor, director, human resources, hiring, etc)
Recovery Community (person directly impacted by alcohol/substance use, person in recovery)
Community Member (any other role that is not identified above)