Happy Wednesday!
This is the Community Caring Collaborative Weekly Communiqué where we share announcements about trainings, meetings and other events, including announcements from our collaborative partners. Look for links to meeting minutes and agendas in the Meetings section, training registration forms and flyers in the Events section, and job postings and other items of interest in the Announcements section. Subscribe here to get the Communiqué. Make sure to add Community Caring Collaborative to your contacts at claurel@cccmaine.org. Gmail users, check for the Communiqué under the Promotions tab. This mailing goes out every Wednesday, so if you have announcements, please send them to Christine by 5 pm Monday to be included. Thanks!
Photo above: Sign up now for a FREE SAVVY Caregiver course if you are caring for a friend or family member with memory loss, Alzherimer’s and other dementias. Classes are held on Fridays, August 24th thru September 28th from 2-4 pm at the Maine Veterans’ Home in Machias. Learn what dementia is, how it affects people’s behavior, and how to manage this life-altering medical condition. Call Eastern Area Agency on Aging at 941-2865 to register today. Class must have at least 6 participants enrolled to run.
Family Discovery Day: The Community Caring Collaborative and partners invite parents, grandparents and children of all ages to a fun-filled afternoon of learning, creating and experiencing in St. Croix Hall at Washington County Community College on June 12th from 12:30 to 5:30 pm, rain or shine. There is no cost to attend. Come enjoy exhibits, demonstrations, mini presentations on topics for parents (free childcare provided), entertaining & educational activities for kids, free refreshments, door prizes and more. And for a special treat, outside St Croix Hall in the main parking lot will be a Touch the Truck extravaganza! More details here. Download a flyer to send to families and friends.
Nature Walks: Maine Families invites you for a breath of fresh air with your babies and toddlers on June 7th in Calais and June 26th in East Machias. Bring a stroller for a walk along the river. Activities provided. See flyer for details and get updates on their facebook page.
Enroll in Passages: This June, Wayfinder Schools’ Passages Program will graduate more than twenty teen parents who have worked hard to earn their high school diplomas while raising their young children. Passages students receive individualized instruction in their own homes, focusing on 24 core requirements related to academics, life skills and parenting. Students also attend group workshops with other teen parents and their young children. Each Passages student also completes a final graduation project, or “Passage,” addressing a particular challenge or goal. Passages is now accepting applications for the 2018-19 school year. For more information, call 207-926-4532 or visit www.wayfinderschools.org. See flyer for details.
Clergy Training for Veterans: The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Downeast Maine Military Community Network is offering a training session to community clergy that brings awareness, resources, and tools designed to support you and your veterans. The training is presented by certified VA Chaplains that support the Community Clergy Training Program though the VHA Office of Rural Health. This is a first of its kind for Downeast Maine as it is designed specifically for clergy. If the clergy member cannot attend we invite deacons, laypeople, staff, etc. or a representative from the house of worship that can bring this information home to your town. Please see this flyer and register for one of the two trainings being offered by simply clicking on the link. Our Canadian neighbors are invited to attend as well.
Your announcement could go here: email the details to Christine by 5 pm Monday for inclusion in Wednesday’s Weekly Communiqué.
This is where we post updates on programs, initiatives and pending legislation.
One-Time Events
Persisting in the Face of Caregiver Difficulties:
June 5, 2018
FREE Webinar on at 7 pm EDT presented by Janet Edmunson, M.Ed., for family and professional caregivers. Webinar will be approximately 30-40 minutes in length. Register online today by clicking this link.
Brown Bag Lunch on Housing:
June 6, 2018
Join the CCC at 11:30 am in the large conference room at SCEC for a brown bag lunch on Housing, presented by Marcie Dean of Next Step and Ida Davis of Downeast Community Partners. Topics will include:
- What Rent Smart Teaches (sign up your clients!)
- Housing Resources that are there and how to access them
- What Next Step and DCP offer in the way of housing
- Ways to partner and improve outcomes in our community
There may be some fun surprises and of course dessert and beverages – bring your lunch and your questions. RSVP to Christine. Attendees are invited to stay for the Work Group/Poverty Buster meeting following from 1 to 3:30 pm if your schedule allows. Please print or forward this flyer.
Nature Walks – Calais:
June 7, 2018
Maine Families invites you for a breath of fresh air with your babies and toddlers from 10-11:30 am, starting at the Calais waterfront. Bring a stroller for a walk along the river. Activities provided. See flyer for details and get updates on their facebook page.
Family Discovery Day:
June 12, 2018
The Community Caring Collaborative and partners invite parents, grandparents and children of all ages to a fun-filled afternoon of learning, creating and experiencing in St. Croix Hall at Washington County Community College from 12:30 to 5:30 pm, rain or shine. There is no cost to attend. Come enjoy exhibits, demonstrations, mini presentations on topics for parents (free childcare provided), entertaining & educational activities for kids, free refreshments, door prizes and more. And for a special treat, outside St Croix Hall in the main parking lot will be a Touch the Truck extravaganza! More details here. Download a flyer to send to families and friends.
Maine Geriatrics Conference:
June 14-15, 2018
Registration still open for the 28th annual Maine Geriatrics Conference at the Harborside Hotel in Bar Harbor. CEUs and contact hours from the UNE. Sponsorship funding is available to support community older adults participating in the conference. See the brochure for
descriptions of this year’s exciting workshops, fireside chats and more.
Supporting LGBTQ Youth Training:
June 15, 2018
OutMaine invites people who work with LGBTQ youth in our communities or schools to a Supporting LGBTQ Youth training from 9 am to 12 pm at Maine Seacoast Mission, 6 Weald Bethel Lane, Cherryfield. Contact hours available – see flyer for details.
Clergy Training for Veterans:
June 19, 2018 – St. Anne’s Episcopal Church, Calais
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Downeast Maine Military Community Network is offering a training session to community clergy that brings awareness, resources, and tools designed to support you and your veterans. The training is presented by certified VA Chaplains that support the Community Clergy Training Program though the VHA Office of Rural Health. This is a first of its kind for Downeast Maine as it is designed specifically for clergy. If the clergy member cannot attend we invite deacons, laypeople, staff, etc. or a representative from the house of worship that can bring this information home to your town. Please see this flyer and register for one of the two trainings being offered by simply clicking on the link. Our Canadian neighbors are invited to attend as well.
Clergy Training for Veterans:
June 20, 2018 – Center Street Congregational Church, Machias
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Downeast Maine Military Community Network is offering a training session to community clergy that brings awareness, resources, and tools designed to support you and your veterans. The training is presented by certified VA Chaplains that support the Community Clergy Training Program though the VHA Office of Rural Health. This is a first of its kind for Downeast Maine as it is designed specifically for clergy. If the clergy member cannot attend we invite deacons, laypeople, staff, etc. or a representative from the house of worship that can bring this information home to your town. Please see this flyer and register for one of the two trainings being offered by simply clicking on the link. Our Canadian neighbors are invited to attend as well.
Maine Child Welfare Conference:
June 21, 2018
Save this date for the 24th annual Maine Child Welfare Conference, Navigating Pathways for Families in Recovery, with Keynote speaker, Nancy K. Young, PhD, MSW, at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor. See flyer for details.
Nature Walks – East Machias:
June 26, 2018
Maine Families invites you for a breath of fresh air with your babies and toddlers from 10-11:30 am, starting at the Mill River Park bandstand. Bring a stroller for a walk along the river. Activities provided. See flyer for details and get updates on their facebook page.
Reflective Supervision Training:
July 23, 2018
CCC Clinical Director, Julie Redding, LCPC, presents a FREE 6-hour training on Reflective Supervision, a distinct form of supervision that explores parallel relationships between practitioner and supervisor, between practitioner and parent, and between parent and infant/toddler, (read a fuller description of reflective supervision here). CEU’s ($5 fee) and Contact Hour Certificates (no fee). 9 am to 3:30 pm at Kay Parker in Machias – morning refreshments and lunch provided. Please register by July 16th. Print a flyer for supervisors in your organization.
Poverty Institute:
July 30-31, 2018
Donna Beegle will be holding a Poverty Institute at the University of New England in Portland this summer – download flyer here
Coaching Institute:
August 1-2, 2018
Donna Beegle will be holding a Coaching Institute at the University of New England in Portland this summer – download flyer here
If Not Me, Then Who? Institute:
August 3, 2018
Donna Beegle will be holding a 4-hour skill-building workshop and 2 hour train-the-trainer session designed to improve skill sets for home visitors and those who work directly with people who live in the crisis of poverty. Organization leaders will also benefit as they gain tools for systemic change that is responsive to assisting people to move out and stay out of poverty. UNE Portland Campus. More information here.
Serial Classes, Groups & Play Dates
G.E.A.R. Classes in Machias:
April 6, May 4, and June 1, 2018, 10 am to 12 Noon
Misty Day, Regional Parent Support Coordinator for the G.E.A.R. Parent network, is presenting free Parent Learning & Support classes at MAS in Machias. Read the flyer for information on each class and how to register.
Community Practice Groups:
6-8 pm
Maine Roads to Quality invites Early Care & Education professionals to join one of 2 community practice groups (see flyers below):
- Calais area – 6-8 pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at WCCC, room 301
- Machias/Harrington/Milbridge area – 6-8 pm on the 3rd Monday each month at a Machias location tbd
For more information or to register, please contact Theresa Fisk, District Early Childhood and Youth Coordinator – 207-956-2070 or email: theresa.fisk@maine.edu
Next Step Calais Support Group:
Beginning in May, 2018
Next Step will be offering a 6 week educational support group in Calais that will meet once a week with the purpose of exploring domestic violence within the context of a relationship. The group will begin at the end of May. Topics will include: How community and cultural supports affect families experiencing DV, effects on children, co-parenting with an abusive ex-partner, coping mechanisms, dating, new relationships, and effects of battering on the victim. See flyer for more information or contact Mary Mitchell at 255-4934 or email mmitchell@nextstepdvproject.org.
C.N.A. Certification Training:
June 18, 2018 — August 20, 2018
Axiom Education & Training Center is holding a C.N.A. certification training, presented by Rosemary Nevala, RN, (see flyer for times, locations, and other important details). Contact Tabitha Robertson @ 207-255-4917 or tabitha.robertson@aetc.us for more information.
SAVVY Caregiver Training:
August 24 – September 28, 2018, Fridays, 2-4 pm
This free course provides skills,knowledge and emotional support to assist informal caregivers who are caring for a family member or friend with dementia. Lisa King will present this 2-hour class each Friday over a 6-week period beginning August 24th at the Maine Veterans’ Home in Machias. See flyer for details and forward to caregivers who could benefit.
Standing Meetings
Caregivers Support Group: Join other family/informal caregivers monthly for a supportive meeting at the Maine Veterans Home in Machias, facilitated by Lisa King, LCPC, on the first Friday of the month from 2-4 pm. Contact Lisa King for more information.
Work Group & Poverty Busters: Join this meeting of direct service providers to share resources and network with other providers in your area. Next meeting is June 6th from 1 — 3:30 pm at SCEC. Read the Agenda for this meeting.
Needs & Offers
Next Step DV Training: The Next Step Domestic Violence Project is offering education for health care professionals on how to screen for domestic violence. Screening for domestic abuse during a health care appointment is a crucial link for someone receiving the help they need. In this training you will learn how to recognize the signs of domestic abuse, how to ask screening questions in order to obtain the most amount of information in a short period of time, and what to do if someone discloses abuse. This training is mostly for healthcare professionals (i.e. doctors, nurses, PAs, dentists, etc.), but it can be tailored to fit your program. To find out more or to schedule a training, contact Cheyenne Robinson-Bauman at 255-4934 or email crobinson@nextstepdvproject.org.
MRBN Survey: Please take a few moments to give your feedback to MRBN about your experiences, ideas, and needs. We are curious what’s working and not working for members and how we can be the best network that we can be! It’s not too long, we promise! Click here.
Hannaford Chooses Next Step: We have been chosen AGAIN as a beneficiary of the Hannaford Helps Reusable Bag program! For this round, we are the recipients at the Hannaford located in Machias for the entire month of May! As a reminder, every time anyone purchases either of the Community Bags at this location, we receive $1! This is truly a great opportunity for us and an easy way for you to show your support for Next Step! Please go to the store, find the reusable bag rack and buy a few bags! And remember to spread the word – the more bags purchased, the bigger donation to Next Step. #HannafordHelps. For more information about the Hannaford Helps Reusable Bag Program, visit hannaford.bags4mycause.com.
Send us your agency/community needs or offers, such as job recruiting or housing needs.
Favorite Resources
Send us your favorite links to share with other Communique readers.