
CCC Wednesday Communique — March 31, 2021

Happy Wednesday! Happy Pesach! In this Newsletter: New this Week Updates One-Time Events Serial Classes & Groups Standing Meetings & Calendars Needs & Offers Favorite Resources CCC’s Response to the COVID-19 Situation Gmail Users: Please note that Gmail clips this newsletter about midway, providing a link at the bottom to “view entire message.”  We don’t […]

CCC Wednesday Communique — March 24, 2021

Happy Wednesday! Originally, March 25th was set as the date of the Spring Equinox by Julius Caesar when he established the Julian calendar in about 45 B.C. However, because the year as set by the Julian calendar was about 365.25 days, there was a drift between the two equinoxes. For example, the Spring Equinox in […]

CCC Wednesday Communique — March 17, 2021

Happy Wednesday! Today, March 17th, is the traditional day to celebrate St. Patrick in places where people claim Irish ancestry.  Did you know that the first St Patrick’s Day parade was held in 1737 in Boston — not somewhere in Ireland?  And what’s with St. Patrick and the snakes?  Learn more in the Updates section […]

CCC Wednesday Communique — March 10, 2021

Happy Wednesday! This Monday, March 8, was International Women’s day, and we couldn’t let our newsletter miss an opportunity to celebrate this important acknowledgment of what the UN stated as this year’s theme: “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world.”  The theme celebrates the tremendous efforts by women and girls around the […]

CCC Wednesday Communique — March 3, 2021

Happy Wednesday! World Wildlife Day is today, March 3, 2021.  National Today says: “To raise awareness of endangered species and what we all can do, the UN is celebrating World Wildlife Day on March 3, marking the day the group signed the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.“ In […]

CCC Wednesday Communique — February 24, 2021

Happy Wednesday! In this Newsletter: New this Week Updates One-Time Events Serial Classes & Groups Standing Meetings & Calendars Needs & Offers Favorite Resources CCC’s Response to the COVID-19 Situation Gmail Users: Please note that Gmail clips this newsletter about midway, providing a link at the bottom to “view entire message.”  We don’t want you […]

CCC Wednesday Communique — February 17, 2021

Happy Wednesday! Mardi Gras wound up yesterday before the start of the Christian season of Lent, but this year, the centuries old festival was canceled in New Orleans due to fears of spreading SARS-CoV-2, and temperatures dipped down below freezing — obviously signs of the apocalypse.  William Widmer took this photo for a Washington Post article about […]

CCC Wednesday Communique — February 10, 2021

Happy Wednesday! This weekend we celebrate St. Valentine’s Day and have developed it into a tradition of romantic love, mostly thanks to Geoffrey  Chaucer’s Parliament of Fowls.  However the legends about St. Valentine dwell on his mission to convert people to Christianity in Third Century Rome and end in his martyrdom on February 14th, more tragic than romantic. But there […]

CCC Wednesday Communique — February 3, 2021

Happy Wednesday! In this Newsletter: New this Week Updates One-Time Events Serial Classes & Groups Standing Meetings & Calendars Needs & Offers Favorite Resources CCC’s Response to the COVID-19 Situation Gmail Users: Please note that Gmail clips this newsletter about midway, providing a link at the bottom to “view entire message.”  We don’t want you […]

CCC Wednesday Communique — January 27, 2021

Happy Wednesday! In this Newsletter: New this Week Updates One-Time Events Serial Classes & Groups Standing Meetings & Calendars Needs & Offers Favorite Resources CCC’s Response to the COVID-19 Situation Gmail Users: Please note that Gmail clips this newsletter about midway, providing a link at the bottom to “view entire message.”  We don’t want you […]