
CCC Wednesday Communique — March 29, 2023

It’s not too  late to register for the CCC’s free, in-person training “Substance Use and its Impacts” presented by Abby Frutchey on April 12th, 9 am — 12:30 pm, St Croix Hall, Washington County Community College.  Learn more here. Happy Wednesday! New this week: Ok Play’s Play Fair OK Play’s (formerly Bold Coast Adventure Play) Play Fair […]

CCC Wednesday Communique — March 22, 2023

Nothing says “Spring is here” like an eleven-year-old and her young goat friends having a trampoline party! Happy Wednesday! New this week: Together: Community Health Champions Healthy Acadia and Downeast Salmon Federation invite you to join us for a special viewing of Together: Community Health Champions on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, from 5 pm to 7 pm, at the East […]

CCC Wednesday Communique — March 15, 2023

Friday, March 17th, is St. Patrick’s Day, celebrated with parades and festivities in over 100 US cities.  Test your St Patrick’s Day trivia here.  (Photo courtesy of Jill Brady from Portland Press Herald, 2017) Happy Wednesday! New this week: Child Safety Community Collaboration Sessions Governor Mills announced in her State of the Budget address that the Department […]

CCC Wednesday Communique — March 8 2023

Low tide at sunset in moody March — Holmes Bay, Cutler/Whiting Happy International Women’s Day! New this week: Substance Use & its Impacts The CCC is excited to announce a free, in-person training on April 12th: Substance Use and its Impacts, presented by Abby Frutchey, LMSW, LADC, CCS.  This training will explore substance use related stigma […]

CCC Wednesday Communique — March 1, 2023

Today is Share a Smile Day, a delightful holiday that “encourages us to be a little bit more joyful. Created in 1997, this day has inspired people to share a smile with everyone they encounter.”  Read more about Share a Smile Day here. Happy Wednesday! New this week: An Update on Washington County’s Economy Sunrise County Economic […]

CCC Wednesday Communique — February 22, 2023

Today is Ash Wednesday — perhaps not the “happiest” Wednesday in the Christian calendar — but a significant holy day marking the first day of Lent, a 40-day period of “preparing” for Easter Sunday, the celebration of the resurrection.  During this season of preparation, Christians may practice certain restrictions and disciplines, such as fasting from […]

CCC Wednesday Communique — February 15, 2023

Although Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12th, we celebrate his birthday, along with the birthday of our country’s first president, George Washington, on the 3rd Monday of February.  Abraham Lincoln, our 16th president, may best be remembered as “the Great Emancipator” for his insistence on abolishing the practice of slavery, which he put ahead […]

CCC Wednesday Communique — February 7, 2023

Get ready to celebrate Chocolate Day on February 9th!  No kidding, it’s a thing, and you can read all about the origins of Chocolate Day (part of Valentine’s week in India) here.   And if you’re looking for a good excuse to enjoy chocolate every other day of the year, read the Cleveland Clinic’s list of benefits from dark chocolate. […]

CCC Wednesday Communique — February 1, 2023

Today, February 1st, starts an important Celtic holiday known as “Imbolc” (literally “in the belly”), celebrated from sunrise on February 1st through sunset February 2nd.  This “cross-quarter” day falls between the winter solstice and the spring equinox and was generally marked as a time of the first stirrings in the ground harboring spring’s approach.  In […]

CCC Wednesday Communique — January 25, 2023

George Townsend & Kelsey LaCoote utilized The Joy Fund to purchase their new home in Calais).  Learn more about this CCC program to help first time homebuyers pay for home inspections.  (Photo courtesy of Georgie Kendall) Happy Wednesday! New this week: Save the Date – Finding Our Way Wayfinder Schools is excited to announce the return of Finding […]