The Community Caring Collaborative provides learning opportunities to the community through ongoing training. We work with partners to create an annual training agenda that is responsive to emerging needs and utilize our own staff or bring in presenters who are experts in their field. Trainings are designed to address the shared agenda and goals of the collaborative. We also have a menu of training topics our staff can offer or tailor to your specific needs. Trainings, which can range from “brown bag” lunches to three-day institutes, bring vital information and presentations to Washington County providers and community members that support shared skills and values, and promote best practices. Evaluations of the trainings indicate that this approach is having a profound effect on participants and that it is improving skills and knowledge across time.
If you have a need for a specific training for your agency, child care center or school, please fill out a training request form here. We would be happy to discuss your ideas to educate providers in our community.